Traceability and operational control for the forestry sector in the palm of your hand.
Without buying a software.
Management system specific for the management of native forests and industries in the sector.
Developed by those who use it.
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Who we are

BRFLOR is the synthesis of what we always looked for and never found in the market, so we decided to create. A platform development company focused on the optimization and management of forest-based enterprises.

Easy to use and secure, our systems simplify processes and allow full traceability of timber and non-timber products.

A multidisciplinary team, with more than 20 years of experience and a broad portfolio and experience of the challenges of the sector, ensures that our solutions are efficient, specific and fully customized.

Our purpose is to guarantee the growth and profitability of forestry businesses, with technological and innovative solutions for the sector, ensuring the conservation of forests.


More than management softwares.

Three work modules that can be used together or separately.

Forest Management: native forests

Industrial Controls: sawmills, processing units, etc.



Simplified and affordable technology

We simplify everything for you: from the usability and functionality of the systems to the value you will provide through our solutions.

Flexible and reliable structure

Our systems allow customized structures for each business and also guarantee the security of the data collected and entered into the system.

Real-time visibility and analytics

With a structure prepared to work with rural internet, our client has access to valuable information in real time, which allows him/her to consider the best and most assertive decisions.

Unique customer support

As we use our solutions, we anticipate doubts in the form of material for guidance and consultation, which is available to the customer indefinitely. In addition to personalized and unlimited technical support.


What else you will find in our systems:

Our customers

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